

How did you contact your neighbours?
Did the voluntary work affect your learning?/div>
How did the neighbours think of you?
4 A month ago.
5 Tom helped them buy food.
6 Thirty people.
7 He used a software.
8 Tom didn't hesitate to take responsibility.


Tom had many friends, but he wanted to know who were his real friends. Tom's grandfather thought of an idea. He gave Tom an invisible chair to help him. Tom took the chair to school. He tried to sit on the chair, but he fell on the ground. Suddenly, he didn't fall. He looked around 和 saw three of his good friends. They were holding Tom, so he wouldn't fall on the ground. Other friends were laughing at him. Tom then realized who were his real friends.
主题: "A Magic Chair"


The Sahara is the major source of atmospheric mineral dust. At the same time, this desert also has the power to nip the development of cloud systems in the bud and thus prevent hurricanes. Only the whirlwinds that make it through this package of dusty air are able to develop explosively, embarking on their journey across the Atlantic. So without the huge supply of dust from the Sahara, prospects would be grim for the east coast of the USA. Miami is especially at risk. Every other year a power tropical storm weeps through the coastal city and every 5 year it's hit by a hurricane.